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Showing 67 results

Published: 16 April 2018

Head of the Analysis Function and National Statistician

The National Statistician is the UK Statistics Authority’s and the Government’s principal adviser on official statistics. They are the Head of the Government Statistical Service and the Government Analysis Function. They are also a member of the UK Statistics Authority Board as Chief Executive and Permanent Secretary. Professor Sir Ian Diamond Professor Sir Ian Diamond FBA FRSE FAcSS […]

Learn more on Head of the Analysis Function and National Statistician
Published: 25 June 2019

Measuring disability for the Equality Act 2010 harmonisation guidance

Harmonisation standards and guidance

The following guidance sets out how to measure disability. This is based on the criteria used by different organisations or legislation to classify a person as disabled. These are for use in social surveys and administrative sources. They have been developed through consultation and workshops with key stakeholders including the devolved administrations.

Learn more on Measuring disability for the Equality Act 2010 harmonisation guidance
Published: 30 December 2020

Travis CI Deployment

It can be handy to have code run when commits are pushed to GitHub – you can do lots of things with this, but commonly it is used to run unit tests, build a docker image, or deploy something. In this example we will deploy this website to github pages using Travis-CI (which is free […]

Learn more on Travis CI Deployment
