This is a past event. The webpage remains for information only.

Workshop to review and improve a statistical publication (March 2020)

18th March 2020 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Department for Work and Pensions Benton Park, Longbenton, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE98 1YX

In these workshops,  participants review a statistical publication and suggest improvements. There are usually around six to eight participants from across the Government Statistical Service (GSS).

Why should you take part in a peer review meeting?

Taking part in one of these workshops gives you the chance to:

  • work with colleagues from the wider GSS
  • gain a fresh perspective on statistical publications
  • gain a deeper understanding of what makes a good statistical release

What will be covered?

Participants will discuss the publication in detail, using a fairly loose agenda. They consider:

  • uses for the publication
  • first impressions
  • titles
  • key messages
  • context
  • interpretation
  • language

How to get involved

If you’d like to take part in this workshop, you can register on Eventbrite.

Please also get in contact if you’re interested in nominating a publication for review in a future meeting by emailing